Confidently navigate parenthood, knowing you are supported.

Postpartum Education & Care

Falling pregnant and preparing for a baby is an exciting, and sometimes scary time, and there’s a lot of information already out there for parents to read, and courses to complete.

But, have you stopped to consider what comes next?

What comes Beyond Baby?

When you’re home with your babe, how will you care for them?

How will you care for you? Who will care for you? Who will cook? Who will clean? Who will care for your older kids…or fur babies?

Planning for your matrescence, your postpartum period, will be one of the most valuable things you do as you prepare to welcome your child; and that is where I can help.

When a baby is born, so too is a mother (Julia Jones, Newborn Mothers). And in those first days at home, when everything feels overwhelming, I will be there.

  • I’ll be with you as you transition into your role as “mother”.

  • I’ll protect space for you as you recover physically and emotionally from pregnancy, labour and delivery.

  • I’ll support you with delicious home cooked meals.

  • I’ll listen when you need to get things off your chest.

  • I’ll present evidence-based information so you and your partner can make informed decisions.

  • I’ll treat you and pamper you like the goddess mother you are.

I get such joy from helping mother’s find themselves in matrescence and guide them to tune into their own intuition, to develop the skills and tools they need, to a point where they don’t need me for anything more than a cuppa or a cocktail.

Think of me as your Motherhood Executive Assistant. I’m your second set of hands so that you can nap, shower, get a massage, or even get your hair done… how decadent!

Keep reading to learn more about how you can invest in your postpartum.


When a maiden becomes a mother, she enters a time of change, of transformation. This journey through matrescence is wild. It’s primal and raw and so stunningly beautiful. It’s a time when you, the mother, should be held, supported and nourished, so that you and your baby can emerge from your postpartum period feeling confident, empowered and ready to come into your own as Mother.

But what is matrescence you ask?

A beautiful friend once put it like this, and she’s summed it up pretty perfectly.

“Matrescence is the anthropological term for the physical, mental, social and emotional transition a woman goes through when she becomes a mother. 
Motherhood comes with soaring highs and, for many, some very dark days. Nothing is straightforward when it comes to motherhood. 
 It’s hard.
 It’s raw.
 And it’s incredible and rewarding.”

My Services

Postpartum Planning Sesh

We’ll sit down at your place - you, me and your partner - over a hot beverage and plate of goodies (my treat!) and we’ll get to know each other; like really get to know each other. By the time we’re done, I’m gonna know how you take your tea, whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, your favourite colour and the brand of your toothpaste, and I’ll familiarise myself with your home so I can find things without needing to interrupt you when I visit.

We’ll go through some postpartum wellness information, a reminder on newborn care, and a good chunk of time on how to care for yourself Beyond Baby. We’ll also take a walk through your beautiful nursery and #mumhack some simple setup tips and tricks to make life easier when babe arrives.

If needed, I’m going to help you navigate Centrelink to make sure you’re all set up for bub’s pending arrival – registered to receive Paid Parental Leave, childcare subsidy payments, and bub’s birth registration.

Most importantly though, I’m going to help you clarify what your transition into motherhood will look like – who’s in your village, how you and your partner will approach caring for your newborn, managing visitors, and ensuring that you have all the information to make informed and intentional decisions.

I want you both to walk away feeling confident, excited and supported for your fourth trimester.

Fill The Freezer

Fill The Freezer is an opportunity for you, as the name suggests, to fill your freezer with nourishing, warming, simple to serve, and even-easier-to-eat, one-handed meals and snacks.

I have collated a range of beautiful recipes from numerous sources and which cover a broad range of cultural and dietary requirements.

You will select some recipes (usually 2x mains and 2x snacks) for us to prepare in your home and I will prepare a list of the groceries we will need.

Getting the groceries can work in a few different ways:

  • You organise and get yourself (or delegate someone in your village to do so)

  • You do an online order and I collect on my way to you that day

  • You let me know what of the list is needed and I purchase on way to you (my time and the cost of groceries will be invoiced to you).

We will use equipment, utensils and storage vessels from your kitchen, and if needed I can bring items to supplement what you have.

We'll label everything ready for freezing, including a guide sheet for reheating and serving.

Home Visits

How can I use my visits?

In the packages you will have an allocation of home visits to use as you wish over the first 12 weeks, or the Fourth Trimester. Everyone’s needs are different, similarly, every mother’s postpartum experience will differ. We’ll spend some time in our Postpartum Planning Sesh working out how you think you’d like to plan your visits - we’ll probably lock in a few nice things to look forward to in the first 4 weeks so that you don’t need to think about it when babe arrives. Then, once you find your rhythm and groove, you can book in the remaining allocation as it suits you.

Keep reading to see some of the Mama Loving things I might do when I visit or help coordinate for you.

  • Prepare warm, nourishing meals from my Beyond Baby Recipe List, in your home

  • Support you with breastfeeding (or bottle feeding)

  • Be your judgement free sounding board, space creater, mother protector

  • Provide support and evidence-based information for any challenges or hesitations you have

  • Check in regularly with your mental health and get a feel for how your village is working for you

  • Work with you to establish your boundaries and be confident holding them

  • Help out with light housework or errands

  • Help with older siblings or fur babies

  • Chauffeur to appointments (for c-section mamas)

  • Link you up with rockstar professionals such as women’s health physios, dieticians, lactation consultants, newborn photographers etc

  • Support you through your feeding choices

  • Help you tune into your intuition – it’s there, I promise!

  • Guide you through self-massage and baby massage with beautiful essential oils

  • Leave little love-note reminders for you, like “take a drink bottle with you to your feeding chair”, or “pop your cosy, woolly socks on”, or “go pee before you feed babe”

  • Revisit newborn care and sleep tips

  • Constantly remind you of your worth, not only as a mother, but as a woman, deserving of self-care

  • Sit with or snuggle your babe so you can shower, nap, eat - whatever you need or want to do with free arms

  • Help you prepare and write thank you cards to your well wishers

Beyond Baby Circle

Think of this as the Ultimate Parent's Group. You will meet Parents with babes of all ages and stages up to 12months so chances are, whatever your question, or WTF moment, someone has been there, done that.

We meet over coffee, usually somewhere with a crèche or playground, and we share stories, ask questions, discuss key topics and generally support each other on this journey called parenthood.

“To come home, knowing that we had meals prepped and ready in the freezer, and Dani’s support for our transition to parenthood was so reassuring.”


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.