Nourishing and supporting you
Beyond Baby…

In-home and online planning and postpartum support

Investing in your postpartum is easy


What are you looking for?

Book in a free Get to Know You coffee date. We’ll talk, see if we’re a good fit for each other and from there I can tailor my suggestions.


Personalised Suggestions.

I’ll share my suggestions of the support I feel would best suit you and your family.


Be supported Beyond Baby.

Select the services or package that’s right for you and your family, and approach matrescence with confidence, knowing you have your village of support in place.


Support your Community.

All families should have access to Postpartum Education, Care and Support, regardless of their family situation or circumstance. Buy Me a Coffee, and help provide a community funded Postpartum Home Visit for a family who needs it.

About Me

Hello beautiful Mama, and congratulations!
Whether this is your first pregnancy or your fourth, I am so happy to have you here!

My name is Dani, I’m a Postpartum Education & Care Professional, and I’m here to support YOU.

Every mother deserves to be treated like the goddess she is - I mean your body is growing and preparing to birth a tiny human. So I’m here to hold you, care for you, nourish you, listen to you, hold space for you to grow and learn, and empower you to tap into your intuition. You already have all the tools you need; I’ll just help you use them.

So, who am I?

I live on the Northern Beaches of Sydney with my partner and kids. I’m a tea drinking, snowboarding, pilates loving, sucker for cheese and chips. I love to walk on the beach and feel the sand between my toes just as much as I love kicking a ball around with my family. I’ve recently discovered the low-tox lifestyle and am switching and ditching left, right and centre to better support my family and our environment. I love a chat and genuinely believe it’s a mother’s entitlement to feel confident, empowered and supported.

Becoming a mother isn’t easy, but with a village of support around you, you, my dear are unstoppable, and I’d love to walk with you on your journey.

My support

Postpartum Planning Sesh

Fill The Freezer

Home Visits

Beyond Baby Circle

In-person & online support

Located on the Northern Beaches, I primarily service Sydney’s North Shore and Northern Beaches. If you live outside these areas, my online services would be ideal! Please contact me so we can discuss!


Becoming a mother isn’t easy, but with a village around you, you, my dear, are unstoppable, and I’d love to walk with you on your journey.

“I attribute so much of Florence’s incredible birth story to this amazing woman…not sure I would have had the confidence and mental strength had I not worked with Dani.”

— ERIN EVANS, Mum of 2