Falling pregnant and preparing for a baby is an exciting, and sometimes scary time, and there’s already a lot of information about pregnancy and birth out there for parents to read, and courses to complete.

But, have you stopped to consider what comes next?

What comes, Beyond Baby?

Beyond baby…

When you’re home with your babe, have you considered how you will care for them? How will you care for you? Who will care for you? Who will cook? Who will clean? Who will look after your older kids…or your fur babies?

Planning for your matrescence, your postpartum period of transition, will be one of the most valuable things you do as you prepare for the arrival of your child; and that is where I, as a Postpartum Education and Care Professional can help.

About Me

My name is Dani, I have two beautiful kids who keep me on my toes. My journey into motherhood brought its challenges and I was fortunate to have family care for me - my mum and cousin truly prioritised my care over that of my first-born. They prepared meals, tidied our home and ensured I rested and gave my body every chance of recovering. When I had my second, we actually moved into my parents home for the fourth trimester for care and support while our house was renovated.

Aside from the expected challenges postpartum, breastfeeding, lack of sleep and needing to physically recover, we also navigated severe hip dysplasia requiring harnessing (with both babes), prolapse, delayed milk drop, triple feeding, allergies and intolerances and chronic eczema.

It was these challenges, along with the support we received that prompted me to undertake my Postpartum Education and Care Professional training. I felt strongly that all families should have access to care and support in their postpartum, regardless of their situation or circumstance.

I am honoured to be invited into a family’s home to care for them in such an intimate, personal time as postpartum. It’s a joyful feeling to know that I am making a difference in my community, and I welcome the opportunity to chat to you about how I can support you.

You can read more about my journey into Motherhood here, or keep scrolling down to find some links to podcasts and online articles I’ve been interviewed for.

I sat down with The Natural Parent Magazine to talk all things nourishment, support and care for mothers in their postpartum…

“Having always had an easy connection with babies, Dani Potter became a postpartum doula after having her own, shifting her focus to the needs of new mothers. She is here to support women through the postpartum period, believing that planning for matrescence is one of the most valuable things a woman can do as she prepares to welcome her child into the world.

She is passionate about helping mothers find themselves, guiding them to tune into their own intuition and to develop the skills and tools they need to flourish in motherhood. From protecting space for you as you recover physically and emotionally from pregnancy, labour and delivery, to supporting you with delicious home-cooked meals, Dani will be there to treat, pamper and listen to you as you navigate this new journey. Here she talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about what inspired her to start Beyond Baby Doula, the challenges she has overcome, and her hopes and dreams for the future.

Read the full article here.

Episode #368 - In this episode Dani shares her two birth experiences and compares induced labour to a spontaneous one. She admits that when she went in for an induction with her first baby, she had no idea that it can often result in a more painful labour and intervention. In her second pregnancy she decided to do everything she could to inform herself and prepare for a physiological birth. As well as talking in detail about the skills she used in her births, she also shares her experience with hip dysplasia as both her babies were diagnosed days after birth.

Listen here.

“Have you felt like this? I know I had big regrets too! Listen in to the latest episode of Tales from the Fourth Trimester for my chat with Dani - as well as that moment realisation, we talk about Dani’s experiences navigating hip dysplasia, intolerances, triple feeding and heaps more.”

Listen here.


Invest in your postpartum, today.