“The first 42 days after birth, set the stage for her next 42 years”

Ysha Oakes


Here I answer some frequently asked questions. If you still have a burning query, please feel free to email me or shoot me a DM on Insta.

What is a postpartum doula?
A postpartum doula is a non-medical professional employed to provide guidance, physical and emotional support to a newborn mother. My main role is to encourage self-confidence in you, as a mother, by supporting you and your family with evidence-based information and practical and emotional care after the birth of a baby.

Are you certified?
A doula is not recognised as a certified profession (yet!), however, we do have certification for completion of training.

Where did you do your training?
I completed my postpartum doula training with Julia Jones of Newborn Mothers. I’m constantly furthering my education and am currently completing Basic Skills in Perinatal Mental Health with the Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE) as well as Breastfeeding Support with Newborn Mothers.
I also hold a Senior First Aid certificate with current CPR competencies

When should I book a postpartum doula?
The earlier the better! Ideally we will meet casually for a chat before you book me so we can both be sure we’re a good fit for each other, and this can happen sometime between 10-20 weeks gestation. Then we would book in your Postpartum Planning Sesh around 30 weeks.
I will support you from the moment you book me in, whether that's at 10 weeks gestation or 38 weeks!

I've already had my baby and need a doula! Can you help?
It's OK! I'm not going to leave you high and dry. My support might look a little different to what's described here, but get in touch and we'll work something out to make sure you are supported.

What happens if you are sick, or we are sick?
Where possible I will work with you to reschedule my visit. If this is not possible, we will discuss alternatives and determine a mutually agreeable solution.

Are you vaccinated?
I am fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and Whooping Cough. My vaccination status does not influence my opinions of you or your family, or my level of care.

Will you wear a mask?
If you would like me to wear a mask that is no problem at all.

Do you attend births?
I haven't been trained to attend births, however, it is something I intend to do in the future. Stay tuned...

Do you stay overnight?
At this time I do not offer overnight visits. I can refer you to others who do.

I want someone to be with me everyday, can you do this?
For many different reasons, a new mother may be flying solo, planned or unplanned, or simply need daily support. If this is you, contact me so we can chat further about what we can do – I will support you in the best way possible; you won’t be alone.

What areas do you service?
I currently do home visits in Sydney North Shore and Northern Beaches. If you live outside these areas, contact me and we can discuss!

I'm not from Sydney, can I still work with you?
Yes, absolutely! I have online options for almost all of my services, except of course a home visit (for now!). Prepare Beyond Baby is the package for you with a few little tweaks. Get in touch and we can discuss.

I have food allergies, can you cater for these?
I will work with you to make substitutions wherever needed and possible. There may be some recipes that cannot be changed, but a lot of my recipes are allergen friendly to begin with.

Will you tell me what to do?
No. I will never tell you what to do or how to do it. I will however, give you information, evidence and guidance in order for you to make an informed decision.

Can I book you before 12 weeks?
For all bookings I accept a deposit to secure your place, which is held until you are 12 weeks. In the event that your pregnancy unexpectedly does not continue and you have paid a deposit prior to 12 weeks, you will be refunded the full deposit amount.

Do you offer payment plans?
Yes! I do. Just contact me and we'll set you up.


“I’m so blessed that Dani was there with her kind words and thoughtful care. She prepared me some absolutely delicious and nourishing meals, which were exactly what I didn’t know I needed.”


Are you ready to experience a supported, nourished postpartum?